Monday, March 16, 2020

Dermaroller: Does it Hurt?

There are thousands of products available on the market today to help your skin look its best. Right now, unless you have been living under a rock, we are sure you have heard the buzz surrounding derma rollers. A process that was originally carried out by a dermatologist, dermarolling has grown in popularity as an effective non-invasive skin treatment since first being found in the 90s. Dermarolling has become one of the best-kept secrets to youthful-looking skin that is sworn by thousands from all around the world. However, if you are new to dermarolling, you might take one look at a derma roller and think it is some kind of torture device and we don’t blame you! With hundreds of super tiny needles, a derma roller may seem scary to some, but when used properly we can assure you it does not hurt, and the benefits are quite astonishing! Keep reading and we will tell you more!

What is Dermarolling?

Also known as microneedling or collagen induction therapy, dermarolling is the process of using super tiny needles to create imperceptible micro-wounds into the outermost layer of the skin. It is your body’s natural response to create collagen when you have a wound. Collagen is an essential protein that is made up of amino acids found naturally within your body. As you age, your natural ability to produce collagen begins to reduce which then causes the signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin. Since dermarolling creates these small micro-wounds when pricked with a needle, collagen growth is promoted helping your skin to be firm, soft and smooth. Dermarolling has many benefits but some of the most popular uses for treatment are to help with:

  • Acne scars
  • Enlarged pores
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Oily skin
  • Stretch marks
  • Sagging skin
  • Hyperpigmentation

What is a Derma Roller and Does it Hurt? 

In the past, you would have to make an appointment with your dermatologist for a microneedling treatment. Today, you can save time and money by using a derma roller! A derma roller is a handheld skincare roller with microneedles. The needles tend to range in length from 0.25 to 1.5 millimeters. The derma roller is rolled over the skin to create tiny punctures which then triggers skin repair leading to the creation of new and strong collagen! Numerous studies show an improvement for a wide range of skin conditions such as acne scarring and melasma when using a derma roller, but does it hurt?

Pricking yourself with hundreds of tiny needles may seem painful, but we can assure you it is not as bad as it sounds! In fact, it will completely come down to the length of the needles on the derma roller and the pressure that you apply. Most at-home derma roller needles are short and typically do not pierce the skin, however, not all rollers are created equal! If you are just starting out, you might be tempted to reach for the cheapest roller available, but just know you get what you pay for! Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Take care of it by reaching for quality products. If you reach for a derma roller that is cheaply made, you might find that it is not as comfortable to roll onto your skin then a derma roller made of higher quality.

Derma rollers are making a huge splash in the beauty industry as it is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to achieve flawless and youthful-looking skin. Although it may sound and even look painful, when you use it properly and reach for high-quality products, a derma roller is a must-have that should be included in every beauty regimen!

from Feedster

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