Saturday, July 4, 2020

5 Benefits of Using Help Desk Software

Running a business can be a rewarding and profitable venture, especially when your company starts to grow and sees an influx of new customers. However, running a successful company also has some downsides, and one of the biggest is keeping up with the amount of work at the help desk.

Luckily, there is a solution for that issue, and that’s using a help desk software.

Companies in the 21st century can’t succeed without implementing some software of this kind because it makes your business run more smoothly and offers a lot of benefits.

Here are the top five perks of using help desk software.

It makes the agent’s job easier

A customer support agent sitting in front of a computer
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

First and foremost, a good help desk software allows agents to accomplish all of their tasks with much less effort and in less time.

No matter if an agent has to deal with complaints, request for information or service, or deal with an incident, this software allows them to do it only one time.

When a new issue occurs, it’s recorded as a ticket that is assigned to a certain person or team to work on.

When a different user contacts your business for the same reason, those tickets get linked together and passed on to the same team. All of these tickets are monitored at all times.

The software can help agents with a number of their responsibilities, such as:

  • Capturing and recording all relevant data. This includes details about all end-user issues such as complaints, incidents, and requests. Aside from capturing this data, the software provides agents with automatic capture from monitoring tools and devices.
  • Routing issues to the appropriate agent. The software is able to manage the transfer of tickets to the appropriate help desk agent or a different employee in the support staff. It also makes the transfer of tickets between agents and teams easy and seamless.
  • Managing ticket statuses. It’s essential to always know the status of a ticket to both customers and agents so they can check on the progress of each ticket at any time. This also allows management to evaluate individual and team performances, as well as have an insight into help desk workloads.

All agents are more efficient

A customer support agent wearing a suit
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

A good business needs to be efficient and run all of its operations as effortlessly and smoothly as possible. If every component works like a well-oiled machine, you don’t need to worry about unexpected issues.

Help desk software is able to keep your business running smoothly thanks to:

  • Categorization
  • Service level management
  • Prioritization
  • Automated routing
  • Escalation capacities

A help desk is a centralized location where all communication between your customers and customer service occurs, which means it’s one of the most important operations in your company. Without satisfied customers, you won’t be able to stay in business and make a profit.

Since customers can contact a business in many different ways, it’s easy for some of that information to be misplaced if you don’t have a proper tactic to keep up with all communication channels.

When you use help desk software, all communication logs with customers get sent to one place. No matter if the customer contacts you through your website portal, a chatbot, email, or telephone, your software will create a ticket and send it to the same place.

From there, agents will be able to efficiently and correctly log and analyze tickets and even monitor the progress of each individual ticket as well as the customer’s help desk history.

It’s easy to have agents on the same page

Three customer support agents
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Really, there is no excuse for bad or slow customer service. People who don’t receive good customer service often don’t want to do business with a company. In fact, 78% of customers have backed out of a purchase because of poor customer experience.

If you want to keep your customers, you need to provide them with a seamless experience across all platforms. You can create this kind of experience when all of your agents are on the same page at all times and have all the necessary information readily available. 

Issues can arise when multiple agents work in different shifts, as communication can easily get postponed or lost.

When that happens, customers need to wait for their answer longer than necessary, which will certainly cause dissatisfaction.

With help desk software, you can add private actions to tickets. These actions will only be visible to agents and will allow your employees to communicate within a ticket. This way, you can ensure all team members can view and respond to tickets.

Agents are able to interface with other IT service management processes

A ball with the word customer surrounded by cables
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

There are certain IT service management processes that customer service agents need to be aware of if they want to run their operations smoothly. For example, agents need to be aware of errors, processes, issues, and information on upcoming and recent changes.

What’s even more important, an IT service desk can provide agents with key sources of data and information in two different ways.

  • Interfacing with the configuration management database. This will allow agents to get relevant information about all of their calls immediately. This includes information about the person who is calling, their location, as well as available hardware and software, and their technical skill levels.
  • Joining up with knowledge management. This provides agents and automatic systems with information that allows them to come to the correct solution quickly.

Customers are able to keep track of their issues

a girl typing on a laptop
Image by Welcome to all and thank you for your visit ! ツ from Pixabay 

A help desk software tool doesn’t only provide your business with benefits, but it can be beneficial to the customer as well, especially when they have a problem or issue that takes longer to solve.

When a customer contacts your help desk to report an issue, a ticket is created and a number is assigned to that ticket so the customer has some kind of reference.

With the help of your software, you can keep track of the ticket which will be stored in a database until the issue is resolved.

If the same customer contacts a support agent again to check on that issue, the agent will be able to provide them with a quick resolution thanks to this ticket.

They’ll also be able to see different tickets with the same issue to determine if the customer’s issue is chronic.

It’s important to locate chronic issues because agents will be able to give it more attention and importance so they can find a permanent solution.

You can also use your help desk software to set up automated email correspondence which can enable the customer to always be informed about the status of their ticket.

This way, your software is facilitating self-service for customers, thus significantly reducing the agents’ workloads.

Final thoughts

Customer service is something every business needs to take seriously. While there are some customer service rules you should follow, that won’t be enough in this fast-paced world, especially if you have a large number of customers.

Don’t allow your help desk agents to become overwhelmed with a mountain of calls from customers.

Instead, use help desk software. It will allow your business to grow, your agents will be able to tackle issues more efficiently, and customers will be satisfied with your company.

from Feedster

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