Thursday, July 16, 2020

5 Home Disasters to Avoid at All Costs

We like to think we are as safe in our home as we could be, and our living space isn’t a place of uncertainty, or is it? The home is a complex structure with numerous systems working within, and while life at home can be quiet and mundane, here are a few home disasters that could come visiting if you’re not careful.

  1. Blocked Drain – If you aren’t bothered what goes down your waste outlets, you are likely to encounter a blocked drain at some stage in the future. Old bars of soap, human hair and food waste get together and decide to stick to the pipe surface and in no time at all, your drainage system is blocked. If the worst happens, resist the urge to fix it yourself, as in most cases, it merely compacts the blockage, whereas the expert drain un-blocker has all the tools and know-how to quickly unblock the drain. He would use CCTV to inspect the drains and once the blockage is removed, he would power rinse the drains, allowing for good flow.
  2. Burst Water Pipe – This could happen anywhere at any time – when a pipe ruptures, the full pressure of the system will pump water into your home – and if an upstairs bathroom pipe burst and no one was home, you would need to call out water damage carpet restoration services as your home would be flooded. Next time your plumber pays you a visit, ask him to check the joints for corrosion and leaks, which wouldn’t take him 20 minutes, and while it won’t guarantee anything, the odds of such a thing happening would be greatly reduced. Imagine the mess if a pipe rupture while you were away on holiday? Most home insurance policies would cover flooding and there are experts who can restore flooded homes, who can easily be found online.
  3. Kitchen Fire – Of course, the cooking room is the place where a fire is most likely, and if you left something on the stove and simply forgot, it wouldn’t take long for fire to take hold. You should have a fire blanket and/or extinguisher in the kitchen, just in case, plus a smoke alarm for early warning. If you make it a golden rule never to leave the kitchen when food is cooking, you should be fine. If you are interested in Australian building codes, here is a link to a government website.
  4. Damp or Rot – If you live in a timber house, you need to regularly check for damp and rot, and the older the property, the more likely to be an issue. If damp is left unchecked, it could cause serious structural damage, which would be a very expensive fix. It is a good idea to ask a builder to inspect your property on an annual basis, and should there be any issues, they can be promptly repaired. Timber should be treated and given a protective coating, which will offer some level of protection, and keep your eye open for damp patches on walls and ceilings. Here is some information about water heaters and the various types, which will help you make the right choices.
  5. Underground Water Leak – The water pipes that run into your property from the mains supply are obviously critical and should a leak develop, you are losing water without being aware of it. For some homeowners, the earliest sign of a water leak is an increased water bill, and one way to test for a leak is to turn off all taps (and appliances that draw water), then check your water meter. If there is movement, you have a leak somewhere and that might be very difficult to locate. A drain cleaning company would have the equipment to locate an underground water leak, and if you notice a patch of your lawn that is greener than the rest, that might be due to leaking water.

If you are new to home ownership, there’s a lot to learn and one tip from the veterans is to pre-source emergency domestic service numbers and keep them in your smartphone, as you never know when you might need a plumber or an emergency roofer. Building maintenance is a fact of life and by asking a local builder to inspect the property once a year, you should be free from unexpected building repairs, and any minor issues can be dealt with as they emerge.

from Feedster

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