Wednesday, July 1, 2020

How Corporate Executives Can Improve Their Speaking Abilities

As a leading corporate executive, you are expected to not only have a great deal of understanding of managing a business, but you will also be expected to have the ability to communicate these ideas to others. Whether you are discussing business trends or management strategies, you will always have a great deal of pressure to ensure that you can speak intelligently about these topics at events so that your audience can clearly understand you.

Traveling to conventions and trade shows just comes par for the course when it comes to being an executive, which is why it is essential that you develop your speaking skills. Because of how people will perceive you plays such a critical role in the success of your career, you need to put forth a great deal of time in becoming a well-respected leader in your industry.

Be Careful Of What You Say

Working in business, you might have realized that you need to be extra careful in wording your ideas and requests so as to not be misunderstood.  You cannot just list a bunch of points and expect your audience to understand and heed your recommendations.  Communication, including giving a presentation, is a process and you need to understand the technique of getting your ideas across effectively to make you a success.

What Do You Want To Achieve?

As with every presentation, you need to know precisely what you want toachieve with it. Start with the outcome in mind and work your way backward when you prepare your speech.  “Many speakers fail to do that” says Sean Adams with Motivation Ping. “It is always important that you have a goal in mind first and then have the discipline to stay focused towards that goal when speaking.” If the audience is confused; they do not understand where the speaker is taking them with his thoughts and this can cause a great deal of problems for you.

Connect With Your Audience

The audience likes speakers who are exactly like them. It is much more effective to show them that you are not special; you are a normal person without super strength or super intelligence. It is much more effective to promote a system or process that your audience can use and be as successful with it as you are.

You need to know and understand your audience. The more you know about their needs and wants; also their fears, the better. You will be able to give them vivid pictures of how they can achieve their goals; and how they can avoid their biggest fears. This is called the carrot and stick technique and it works beautifully every time, if you do it correctly.

Create A Vision

People love to be part of something bigger, something they can believe in. What they need is guidance, a proven and down trodden path to get there. Very often it is also important to tell them clearly what will happen to them if the goal that you are setting is not reached. Will they lose their business if their goals are not reached? How can you help them overcome adversity when they might feel like throwing in the towel? Your experience can help them overcome many adversities and this is something they will greatly appreciate you for.

Keep It Simple

Business trends and certain terminologies is not the easiest thing to understand for some. Even if you think that by now they must understand your ideas automatically, chances are that some of them are still confused. They still wonder how they will achieve the big goal you dangle in front of them.

Give them the vision you have for their business future, maybe with your company and tell them exactly what three steps they have to take to make it happen for them and for you. Executive public speaking is based on a process to get the message across to the audience. To get them to accept your ideas, you must pave the way with a system, a process that will help them achieve the

success they crave.

Do not put yourself or your company on a pedestal. Give your audience the chance to be the hero by presenting them with the three steps  that they can use to achieve the monetary success they crave.

from Feedster

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