Thursday, July 30, 2020

Jason Hope: Is This Common Creature the Key to Human Longevity?

Aging is one of the most universally understood processes. It impacts humans, animals, and every living organism on earth. While the process of aging is a biological occurrence, it can render various negative impacts. Aging can elicit impacts on an individual and societal basis. For years, thought leaders in the anti-aging and longevity sphere have been conducting vital research. They hope to minimize the negative effects, burdens, and risks associated with aging. Revered futurist Jason Hope dedicates his time, efforts, and focus to propel the field of anti-aging, longevity, and the future of tech-aided wellness. Through innovative research techniques, this community elicits evolution in modern society.

Personal Concerns Associated With Aging

On a personal basis, aging becomes problematic when it begins to impact functionality, happiness, and overall wellness. A reduction in energy associated with aging can impact mental wellness. It can trigger reductions in productivity, activity levels, and social engagement. These limitations in mobility will then further exacerbate other physical ailments, creating a snowball effect. Common aging-related creators of physical ailments include a decrease in brain functioning, reduction in energy levels, and weakening of muscles and skeletal systems.

Elongating the appropriate functioning of these systems can assist individuals on a long-term basis. An avid supporter of longevity research designed to ward off the physical ailments caused by aging, Jason Hope supports the notion that individual longevity can be achieved at the cellular level. By warding off the physical signs of aging, individuals can enjoy the benefits of being active, energized, and engaged.

Community Concerns Associated With Aging

In addition to the personal concerns related to aging, stressors are placed on communities, and on the human species. Humans within today’s society have longer life expectancy than in generations past. However, this doesn’t mean they are able to be fully active and productive members of society. An abundance of aging individuals within a society can place a burden on the community. Aging populations can require vast assistance. They may need financial assistance, as well as physical care. This can create a burden for an entire healthcare system, community functionality, and workforce.

Diseases Caused By Aging

Physical manifestations of aging are responsible for the onset of many diseases. Degenerative in nature, some of these diseases progress through a lengthy period, diminishing quality of life. The presence of these diseases also places a financial burden on the individual and the community. Aging-related diseases include Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, and Diabetes. Jason Hope, a long-time supporter of the SENS Organization, credits the group with crusading for the elimination of such diseases. The SENS Organization looks to regenerative medicine to combat age-related bodily damage. This focus on rejuvenation biotechnology aims to replace damaged tissue with healthy tissue, restoring normal function. The body’s optimal functionality can then effectively ward off age-related disease.

The Comprehensive Approach To Aging And Disease

Rather than focusing on alleviating the symptoms and progression of each disease, the comprehensive approach aims to increase longevity. Through this wholesome approach, scientists aim to prolong overall wellness. Successfully warding off negative aspects of the aging process can allow individuals to thrive. It can produce significant financial effects, as individuals are able to work longer, and require less financial assistance. This approach to anti-aging can increase the quality of life for individuals.

Prolonging The Aging Process

In the quest for longevity, scientists look for the connection between aging, DNA, gene manipulation, nature, and technology. From applying stem cell therapy to researching the effects of light, experts look for innovative solutions. Propelled by contemporary technologies, Jason Hope voices the importance of pursuing groundbreaking experimentation. Marrying science and technology, many longevity experts utilize tech-based resources to produce insights that can be applied in the real world.

Understanding Mitochondria

As the central “organ” of each cell, mitochondria produce energy within the cell and the organism they power. By changing energy found in nutrients into ADP-adenosine diphosphate, mitochondria generate energy. Mitochondria also play an important role in the aging process of organisms. Various studies suggest age-related illnesses are related to mitochondria not being able to produce energy efficiently.

In order to implement this knowledge into use, researchers are looking at the use of the so-called anti-aging protein. Composed of AMP-activated protein kinase, the anti-aging protein champions mitochondrial functioning. By enhancing the efficacy of mitochondria in the human body, it can be surmised that increased longevity can occur. The enzyme also impacts cell development, and the proteins responsible for gene activity. These functionalities increase the general lifespan of mitochondria, a potentially vital connection to long-term vitality.

Studying Worms

Aging and longevity studies have previously provided fruitful results when examining yeast, rodents, and monkeys. Now, researchers are excited by findings associated with aging studies conducted on worms. Roundworms were recently found to have an elongated life expectancy associated with the chemical VRK-1. The VRK-1 chemical acts as an extra booster for AMP-activated protein kinase, the anti-aging protein responsible for increasing mitochondrial life span. 

The roundworms examined in this study normally have a life expectancy of 14 to 21 days. Genetically modified roundworms, with elevated levels of the chemical VRK-1, showcased an increased life cycle of 23.7 days. This is a significant increase in life expectancy, shown with consistency amongst the sample group. Similar studies of human cells and the presence of VRK-1 have elicited the same results. Though the experiment only featured simple human cells, rather than complex humans in their molecular entirety, the promising results showcase a possibility to be effective amongst human studies.

This breakthrough study examines the biological and chemical culprits associated with aging. It can provide unparalleled insight into viable options to reverse the aging process, and assist with longevity goals. As scientists and thought leaders work to create viable longevity interventions, these inaugural successes provide a blueprint for expanded action. According to anti-aging thought leader Jason Hope, the success of the roundworm experiment lends another victory in the quest for human longevity.

Successful anti-aging techniques have the power to transform entire communities financially. They have the potential to impact the daily lives of countless individuals. These initial successes can soon be the answer to the problematic issues associated with aging. The goal isn’t to eradicate the aging process itself but to elongate the process, and minimize the negative effects of aging. 

Jason Hope

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