Sunday, May 2, 2021

Tips to Stay in Shape During the Lockdown

Staying at home for a couple of days is never going to be an issue, but if that confinement is for weeks or even months, this can be stressful at the best of times. It can affect you mentally and physically, indeed, the suicide statistics are on the rise, which would have something to do with the current Covid-19 pandemic. Being at home is conducive with inactivity; it is oh so easy to become a couch potato, especially if you live alone, and with that in mind, here are some tips to help you stay in good shape while confined to your home.

  • Exercise Morning and Afternoon – We all need adequate physical exercise on a daily basis; 30 minutes in the morning and another half an hour in the late afternoon is ideal. You could invest in an exercise treadmill, which will ensure that your body gets the exercise it needs, or you could buy a set of weights and a couple of dumbbells, whichever you prefer. It could be jogging or cycling; something that makes you sweat and that works all the major muscle groups, and if you would rather work out with others, why not enrol in a virtual fitness class? Either that or sign up for yoga lessons, which can be delivered remotely via a Zoom call.
  • The Importance of a Balanced Diet – We all need the right amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in order to be healthy and your diet should include fresh fruit and vegetables, which can be ordered online from a local organic farm. Once a week is ideal, as the fresh produce will keep in the fridge, ensuring that you have organic produce in your daily diet. Many adults take a vitamin supplement daily, which is a good idea for those who do not have a balanced diet or feel that they are lacking in something.
  • Exercising Around the Home – You can stand at the bottom of the stairs, taking two steps up and two down; place your right foot on the second stair and rise up, then return to the bottom. This can be repeated as many times as you like, alternating between the right and left leg to do the lifting and this can become a part of your daily routine. Another routine involves facing the kitchen worktop, placing your palms on the work surface, then gently lowering yourself to the floor and after a second of two, stand back up. Repeat this 15-20 times and this will work your legs and back and you should feel muscles starting to burn, which is a good sign. If you have a rolling pin, you can use this for some stomach muscle exercises; kneel on the floor with the rolling pin in both hands on the ground in front of you, then slowly push outwards in a down motion until your chest almost touches the ground, then raise yourself back up, which might present some difficulty. You should feel your abdominal muscles tighten and the rear thigh muscles as they are worked, and you could include this in your daily routine. Here are a few tips for a home exercise routine.
  • Make the Most of the Great Outdoors – When you are allowed out for daily exercise, you should take advantage of the opportunity, with maybe a bike ride around your local area, while you can also exercise in the back garden if the weather is suitable. We all need fresh air in our lungs and a brisk early morning walk will help to build an appetite, while the same in the evening will help you get a good night’s sleep.
  • A Healthy Mind is a Healthy Body – It is very important to have a positive outlook on life in general; avoid watching the news too much, as most of it is bad and this can really affect a person. If you are stressed out, which might be due to losing your job or personal issues, there are mental health counsellors who can be found online and they are always happy to share a video call with you to lift your spirits.

While not really related to physical exercise, it is important to maintain social contact with family and friends, which can be done using a video call. It might not be the same as being in the same room, but it is better than no contact at all, so do call people you know and ask about their welfare.

If you have a hobby, you should allocate daily time for this, as we all need some ‘me time’, which might be spent watching an epic movie, reading a good book or restoring old furniture, something you have a passion for. Vary your daily routine to avoid boredom and when you feel down, remember that it won’t be long before everything gets back to normal.

The post Tips to Stay in Shape During the Lockdown first appeared on Feedster.

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